At its core, the rule of law is based on the idea of male supremacy. This is because many laws were created and enforced by men in positions of power throughout history. These men had complete control over what was considered acceptable behavior in society, so they often put restrictions on what women could do or say without any real regard for their well-being or rights. Women were expected to conform to male-defined standards in order to be accepted by society.
In addition, many laws have been created with a focus on protecting male interests rather than those of women. For example, laws related to marriage and divorce have often favored men over women by giving them greater control over property and finances in these matters. Similarly, criminal laws have been designed with an emphasis on punishing violent offenders without taking into account any mitigating circumstances that may have contributed to a woman’s actions. These examples demonstrate how the rule of law is heavily biased towards men’s interests and privileges at the expense of women’s rights and safety.
The patriarchy has also had a profound influence on how courts interpret laws and treat cases involving female victims or defendants. In many instances, judges will give more lenient sentences to male offenders than they would for female offenders who committed similar offenses due to their gender bias. Similarly, courts are often more likely to uphold discriminatory laws against women than they are against men because these laws are seen as necessary for maintaining the status quo in male-dominated societies.
The rule of law has arguably long been used as a tool for reinforcing patriarchal values and beliefs throughout history. While there have been some positive changes to this system over time with increased attention being given to gender equality issues, much work still needs to be done if we want true justice for all genders under this system. Until this happens, it will remain true that the rule of law is still largely a patriarchal notion regardless of how much progress we make in other areas related to gender equality issues.