A week in Manchester’s Family Court Part Three – Behind Closed Doors
In the final part of a three-part series, Ruth Green writes on allegations of child retention, abduction abroad, and how the judge prioritises the children’s welfare.
A week in Manchester’s Family Court – Part Two
In part two of her series about a week in Manchester Family Court, Ruth Green details various family law cases where some are fighting to hold onto contact with their children and others are applying to have it reinstated.
A week in Manchester’s Family Court: Part One – Behind Closed Doors
In part one of her three-part series about her week in Manchester Family Court, Ruth Green speaks with protesters, a barrister and a local authority solicitor.
Family Court adoption after social service delay
Dr Gavin Evans shares his experience of a family court hearing concerning a nine month old baby whose mother died in childbirth.
Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno & Dr Emma Katz’s Statement on BSB Case Against Dr Proudman
Dr Elizabeth Dalgarno, PhD., Lecturer, University of Manchester, Founder and Director, SHERA Research Group and Dr Emma Katz, PhD., Senior Lecturer in Criminology, Edge Hill University wrote to The Bar Tribunal and Adjudication Services concerning Dr Proudman.
Dr Barnett’s Statement on the BSB Case Against Dr Proudman
Read Co-Director Dr Adrienne Barnett’s Statement on the Bar Standards Board Case Against our Founder and Director Dr Charlotte Proudman
Affirmative Consent at Jesus College Intellectual Forum
Dr Charlotte Proudman and Stephanie Hayward at Jesus College Cambridge Intellectual Forum on Affirmative Consent.
‘I want him to be happy’. Day Four in a London Family Court.
In the final part of her four part blog series, Lara Feigel reports on a case hampered with delays, where a father is restricted to letter box contact.
‘I’m telling the truth’. Day Three in a London Family Court
In part three of her four part blog series, Lara Feigel reports on the harrowing experience of a domestic abuse survivor giving evidence in family court.
The Wrong Lessons: the President of the Family Division’s comments on the Cleveland scandal.
Lucy Hayton summarises why recent comments from the President of the Family Division on the Cleveland Scandal are important and offer hope for a new approach to child sexual abuse in family courts.
In the Child’s Best Interests? Day Two of a Week in the London Family Courts
In part two of a four part blog series by Lara Feigel, we hear about a case where a father applies to drastically vary a contact order and make himself the primary parent.
Day One: A Week in the London Family Courts
Part one of a four part blog post series by journalist Lara Feigel. Lara shares her experience of a week spent in the London family courts as part of a new pilot scheme to improve transparency and reporting on family court cases.